Social, Environment & Non-profit

Show social responsibility through digital responsibility

Social and NGO organizations typically store a lot of sensitive information in their IT systems. Privacy regulations requires that you keep track of your sensitive data. This can be an almost uncontrollable task if your employees have difficulties in demonstrating responsibly data management. The result is that much of the sensitive data you have been entrusted with ends up in unsecure folders or data systems.

Sheltered housing data

Personal data you have to care for

Having worked with a number of companies in the social, environmental and NGO sectors, we know that the sensitive data you have is typically:

  • Contact information, dates of birth, photo IDs and more
  • Health and insurance information, medication schedules, etc.
  • Financial/income data, tenancy agreements, rent payments
  • Police records and records of accidents/incidents
  • Staff contact details, job roles, and performance reviews

You may already have secure IT systems. But are you sure that you do not have sensitive information in other systems such as e-mail? Do you have control over where you store all this data? The processing errors with sensitive data that are most often committed within your industry are that you receive sensitive data sent unencrypted, you do not delete outdated sensitive data, and you allow an unnecessarily large number of people to have access to sensitive data.

How we can help you

Our data discovery tool, DataMapper, uses artificial intelligence to find documents, emails and images with sensitive content across your data systems. You will have the opportunity to finally clean up data containing sensitive information and comply with privacy regulations. Cleaning up will be more accurate and much faster than if you had to clean up manually.

Find employees’ sensitive HR data
Keep track of the sensitive information you have collected by email
Locate the company’s securities

Keep a record of personal data as per GDPR Article 30.

Use case

A sheltered housing facility with 20 employees wanted to make an inventory of the sensitive data they stored about their residents and staff. The housing facility knew they were responsible for this personal data, which had largely been collected via unprotected email attachments. Finding this data in employees’ inboxes would be a huge task. The housing service therefore decided to get DataMapper, and within minutes they got:

A list of all sensitive data
An overview of the data’s age, type and location
A quick way to delete sensitive data
An option to control access to the sensitive data
One dashboard to monitor all sensitive data

Results and savings for the facility


Risk documents, emails and images found in the company’s storage.


Risk documents, emails and images found in the company’s storage.


Hours of work saved per year by the facility.

DataMapper is part of PrivacyHub

We want GDPR compliance to be as easy as possible so you can focus on running your business. That's why we created PrivacyHub, to simplify 3 of your most important tasks.

  1. Tracking and monitoring sensitive data
  2. Responding to data access requests (DSARS)
  3. Sharing and requesting data safely by email

Get the whole platform now to become compliant from the moment you collect personal data to the time you delete it (or return it to its owner). Or, start with one solution to tackle your most pressing compliance task first and go from there.

Do you need a safe way to share and request personal data? ShareSimple can help.