Digital security is neither art, sport nor entertainment
Sports clubs, production companies, galleries and other organizations within Entertainment, Arts & Leisure collect a large amount of sensitive data. Perhaps you already have secure IT systems to handle this data. Unfortunately, we see that sensitive data continues to lie in unprotected folders in your systems. This typically happens after you have been in contact with employees and those around you via e-mail. To avoid this, it requires great data discipline from each individual employee – something that few have. This makes it difficult to comply with privacy regulations.

Here are your sensitive data
You collect a range of sensitive information about your employees, members, guests and others. Having worked with a number of organizations within Entertainment, Arts & Leisure, we know that the sensitive data you hold is typically:
- Contact info
- Photo IDs
- Health releases
- Payment information
- Licences and certifications
- Insurance information
- Health and vaccine status
We know that a large part of this information is collected via secure forms, but a large part enters your systems in an insecure way, via e.g. mail or lying in private folders. The processing errors with sensitive data that are committed within your industry are typically that you store sensitive data unprotected, that you send and receive sensitive data unencrypted, and that you do not delete sensitive data that is no longer relevant to you.
How we can help you
Our data discovery tool, DataMapper, uses artificial intelligence to find documents, emails and images with sensitive content across your data systems. You will have the opportunity to finally clean up data containing sensitive information and comply with privacy regulations. Cleaning up will be more accurate and much faster than if you had to clean up manually.
Find your sensitive information
Delete sensitive information you no longer need
Keep a record of personal data as per GDPR Article 30.

Use case

A professional sailing club with 10 employees wanted to get a handle on the personal data they had collected about their members, coaches and staff. They knew they had an obligation to protect the personal data they held, but they weren’t sure how much they had or where to start. They had used unprotected emails to communicate sensitive data with the members, so the club was aware that they had a problem. The sailing club therefore decided to get DataMapper, and within minutes they had:
A list of all sensitive data
An overview of the data’s age, type and location
A quick way to delete sensitive data
An option to control access to the sensitive data
One dashboard to monitor all sensitive data
Results and savings for the club
Documents, emails and images found in the club’s storage.
Documents, emails and images found in the club’s storage.
Hours of work saved per year by the club.
DataMapper is part of PrivacyHub
We want GDPR compliance to be as easy as possible so you can focus on running your business. That's why we created PrivacyHub, to simplify 3 of your most important tasks.
- Tracking and monitoring sensitive data
- Responding to data access requests (DSARS)
- Sharing and requesting data safely by email
Get the whole platform now to become compliant from the moment you collect personal data to the time you delete it (or return it to its owner). Or, start with one solution to tackle your most pressing compliance task first and go from there.