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GDPR compliance is a key task for businesses in today’s data-driven world, but the process of manually cleaning up sensitive data can be both time-consuming and expensive. Automated tools like DataMapper make it easier to identify and clean up emails, files and documents with sensitive content. In this blog, we take a closer look at what it costs companies to handle this task manually, and finally compare this cost with what it costs to perform a similar task with a tool like DataMapper.


The figures below assume that:

  • The average employee has 20,000 emails and documents
  • An hourly wage per employee is 36 EUR

Manual GDPR cleanup

A large part of the manual task for the employee is to search through all the data – and then deal with what they find. The following are indicative prices for manual cleanup of sensitive data:

  • Company with 25 employees: 18,000 EUR
  • Company with 50 employees: 35,000 EUR
  • Company with 100 employees: 66,000 EUR
  • Company with 200 employees: 119,000 EUR
  • Company with 500 employees: 247,000 EUR

GDPR cleanup with DataMapper

With DataMapper, files, emails and images with sensitive content are automatically found and easily managed by employees. The following are indicative prices for cleaning up sensitive data with DataMapper:

  • Company with 25 employees: 4,030 EUR
  • Company with 50 employees: 7,280 EUR
  • Company with 100 employees: 12,480 EUR
  • Company with 200 employees: 20,150 EUR
  • Company with 500 employees: 37,180 EUR